Most people would think its a hard feat to be grateful when you're dying. But the truth is, it's the most crucial time to say "Thank you". Although I didn't know it then, it is in large thanks to this way of thinking that I survived and I'm still alive today. In 2005, when I was fighting for my life, I was fortunate to be surrounded by so many loving friends and family members. Their hope and their positive vibes and prayers kept me going. I could have easily spiraled into a gloomy state but didn't because they wouldn't allow it.
At the time, I was told by other patients and survivors to keep myself distracted, take it day by day and to always say "Thank you Jesus for this healing" even when I was in pain. When I lost all the hair on my head due to chemo, I was thankful I still had eyebrows. When I lost my eyebrows, I was thankful I still had eyes. When I lost my eyesight for 3 days, I was thankful I could still hear. Sometimes when we're going through a difficult time, its hard to find anything to be positive about or grateful for. But if you look deep enough, you will discover that all the gifts and blessings you have will always outnumber your afflictions and hardship.
Every day since being "freed" from the hospital, I do 3 Happy Twirls and proclaim "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" for all the blessings I have in my life. I believe these 2 words saved my life then and continue to save my life everyday. Everyday is a gift. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. Be thankful for what you have today and God and the universe will flood your life with more blessings! When we are mindful of our thoughts, we are able to manifest so many wonderful things into our life. Over ten years ago, I never could have imagined all the amazing things that I would attract through gratitude. Surviving cancer, complete health, getting married and travelling the world to name a few.
William Arthur Ward said it best when he said "Feeling Gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." It is so important to think it, say it, feel it and write it. Everyday I write down 10 things I am grateful for in my gratitude journal. Many people I preach this practice to think they don't have enough things to write down but this is so far from the truth. Dig deep, open your eyes to everything around you and within you and you will soon find yourself with a gratitude list longer than you've ever imagined.
Since starting my 3 Happy Twirls, my vision board and my gratitude journal, I've manifested so many dreams into reality. The law of attraction is very real and so powerful. Our minds have the power to change our lives for the better if we are able to believe. There are no limits in the universe. Abundance is all around and the fundamental truth of this practice is that if you believe you already have what you want, it is already yours and the universe will make it so.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Love ❤️