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Faith, Hope & Love

When things change and times are stressful, its easy to let fear and anxiety creep in. It's important to take it day by day, breathe and focus on Faith. Instead of thinking of all the things that could go wrong, keep your mind filled with love, hope and gratitude. The best way to do this is by writing down 10 different things you are grateful for everyday.

To spread some light during this time of uncertainty, I am sharing my list of 100 "Thank you's", as a reminder of how lucky and blessed we all still are. I hope it inspires you to create your own gratitude list. Always keep hope in your mind and in your heart!

We will all party together soon, hug again soon and feel normal again soon! Keep the Faith.

Thank you…

1. For my health

2. For my family

3. For my friends

4. For my home

5. For my car

6. For a warm bed to sleep in

7. For a soft pillow under my head

8. For a good night’s rest

9. For every sun filled morning

10. For every day that I am alive

11. For food to eat

12. For electricity

13. For appliances

14. For a fridge to keep my food cold and fresh

15. For a stove to cook

16. For money to buy the things I need

17. For my phone to stay connected

18. For my computer

19. For the internet

20. For paper, pens and post-its

21. For all the resources that make my life easier

22. For my television

23. For entertainment

24. For tv shows, documentaries and movies

25. For my job

26. For clothes and shoes to wear

27. For fresh air

28. For nature

29. For the sun, the moon and the stars

30. For the rain and the rainbows

31. For butterflies and all things beautiful

32. For Spring flowers, summer heat, autumn leaves and snowflakes

33. For plants and trees

34. For light

35. For clean water

36. For my toothbrush

37. For shampoo, conditioner, soap and toothpaste

38. For hot showers

39. For a healthy body and healthy organs

40. For eyes to see

41. For ears to hear

42. For a mouth to speak

43. For hands to hold

44. For legs to walk and run

45. For hugs and kisses

46. For skin to touch and feel

47. For laughter

48. For love

49. For romance

50. For happiness

51. For travel

52. For adventure

53. For vacations

54. For planes, trains, buses and cars

55. For fancy hotels and beautiful resorts

56. For the ocean and gorgeous beaches

57. For music

58. For dancing

59. For singing

60. For doctors, nurses and healthcare

61. For medication

62. For the people that keep us safe

63. For the people that do the jobs I cannot do

64. For scientists and inventors

65. For restaurants and grocery stores

66. For gas stations

67. For stores and the mall

68. For yoga and meditation

69. For sports and exercise

70. For books

71. For learning new things

72. For creativity

73. For birthdays, celebrations and holidays

74. For fun breakfasts with friends

75. For work lunches filled with laughter

76. For family dinners filled with love

77. For cocktails and parties

78. For wine and champagne

79. For pictures and great memories that make me smile

80. For pleasant surprises

81. For the generosity of others

82. For good vibes

83. For empathy

84. For kindness

85. For miracles

86. For Angels

87. For God

88. For prayer

89. For the Universe

90. For Faith

91. For patience

92. For strength

93. For inspiration

94. For support

95. For courage

96. For freedom

97. For forgiveness

98. For abundance

99. For gratitude

100. For Hope

Sending you all white light and good vibes only!

Love, Jaymie


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